Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
When you are ready to enroll, just click on the Register button. This will take you to the registration page for Ruzuku. You must have a valid email address and you can assign yourself a password. Once you pay for the course, you can immediately begin taking the class.
Our courses are completely self-paced, meaning you can log in and log out at your convenience. The exception being the exams.
Once the exam is complete and you have passed with a 70 or above, you will receive your certificate via email within 24-48 hours. Certificates are no longer computer generated and will be reviewed by Barbara.
Please make sure we have your correct email address. If your certificate is emailed to an incorrect address, your email address is incomplete, or you need another copy of your certificate, a fee of $5.00 per certificate will apply.
25 Clock Hours in Childcare Management Courses
This 3-day course covers Director Responsibilities, Owner Responsibilities, Mistakes Directors and Entrepreneurs Make, Operational Policies, Record Keeping Business Plans and Child care Collection Issues.
25 Clock Hours in Childcare Management Courses
This 3-day course covers Your Community and Your Center, Leadership and Professionalism, Staff Evaluations, Training your Staff, Conflict Resolutions, Human Resource Management, Applications and Interviews, Texas Labor Code, and Motivating Staff.
25 Clock Hours in Childcare Management Courses
This 3-day course covers: Growing and Managing a Small Business, Benefits of a Small Business, Your Purpose & Mission Statement, Doing Business in a Residential Zone, Controlling Costs at Your Center, The Vision, Goals, and Objectives, and How to Eat While Feeding Your Business.
25 Clock Hours in Child Care Management Courses
This 3-day course covers: Advertising Options, Strategic Marketing, Financial Statements, Tracking Down Financing, 3 C's of Payments
25 Clock Hours of Child Development and 11 Clock Hours of Business Administration
This course covers the required director annual training in a 3-day course.
Topics include:
Child Abuse & Neglect 2 Hrs , Interacting with Children 2 hrs, Child Growth & Guidance 2 hrs , Age Appropriate Activities 2 hrs, Emergency Preparedness 2 hrs, Medication Safety 2 hrs, Preventing Communicable Diseases & Immunization Requirements 2 hrs, Preventing Food Allergies 2 hrs, Handling and Storing of Hazardous Materials 2 hrs, Building, Premises & Safety 2 hrs, Nutrition & Child Health 1 hr, Cultural Diversity 1 hr, You are a Professional 1 hr , and Shaken Baby, SIDS, Early Brain Development, Abusive Head Trauma 2 hrs, Business Administration: Application and Interviews 2 hrs, Business Administration: Conflict Resolutions 2 hrs, Business Administration: Texas Labor Code 2 hrs, Child Care Staffing Issues 3 hrs, Staff Retention Strategies 2 hrs
According to the Minimum Standards, our courses comply with the following:
most of a caregiver’s training should come from sources that allow an assessment of the caregiver’s understanding and feedback from an instructor. While self-study from materials such as videos, books, and articles provide an opportunity for a caregiver to expand knowledge on subjects of interest to him or her and for which there may not be an established training, this type of training does not assess what the caregiver learned. It is important that the majority of training come from sources that allow an assessment of the caregiver’s understanding and feedback from an instructor to ensure that the caregiver appropriately applies the information learned in a childcare setting.
Because we offer training with exams that must be passed in order to receive a certificate, our courses will satisfy the annual training requirements.
25 Clock Hours of Business Management Courses
This 3-day course covers:
Hiring Employees or Independent Contractors, Ethical Leadership Behaviors, Cultural Diversity in Leadership, Creating a Pleasant Workplace, Developing Teamwork
25 Clock Hours of Business Management Courses
This 3-day course covers:
10 Effective Management Techniques, How to Improve Teamwork Among Your Staff, Childcare Staffing Issues, 5 Marketing Strategies for Childcare Centers, and 5 Marketing Tips to Grow Your Childcare Center
The McKee Group Child Care Consulting
The McKee Group CCC, 24230 Kuykendahl Road Suite 310 #146 Tomball, TX 77375 USA